As per the wiki, this is an old hack to force daylight sensors to get updated every game tick. This is necessary to ensure that the daylight sensor's power output is always up to date with the current world time. It's theoretically possible to implement this without a blockentity, but this is here to ensure that vanilla can understand daylight sensors in worlds created by PM.
WARNING: This function DOES NOT permanently hide the entity from the player. As soon as the entity or player moves, the player will once again be able to see the entity.
WARNING: This function DOES NOT permanently hide the entity from viewers. As soon as the entity or player moves, viewers will once again be able to see the entity.
This method's results are unpredictable. The string "Steve" will return the player named "SteveJobs", until another player named "SteveJ" joins the server, at which point it will return that player instead. Prefer filtering the results of Server::getOnlinePlayers() yourself.
WARNING: This function has a misleading name. Contrary to what the name might imply, this function DOES NOT return players who are IN a chunk, rather, it returns players who can SEE the chunk.